87dB 65dB
1/100 level
- - Operation in mega-cities (popularization)
- - Improving social acceptance
6x full tiltroter of verical take-off
and landing capability
Retractable landing gear for
conventional take-off and landing
Single Pilot & Up to 6 Passengers
with luggage
Low drag
profile fuselage
Main wing for high glide ratio with
flaps at low transition speed
Advanced aerodynamics
with canard configuration
VFR/IFR capablity
Eco-friendly hybrid-electric
powertrain for
long-range capability
PLANA believes that by adding a long-time proven turbine generator to the energy source of an eVTOL, we can use the battery with the most efficient and safe SOC range while enhancing the aircraft's profitability with a highly improved flight range.
87dB 65dB
1/100 level
Lift by wings
L/D > 10
6 tilt-rotors
1/5 level
The exterior of CP-01 offers seamless access to the cabin space through two-sided doors, with wide windows to maximize the view of both pilot and passengers. The in-cabin space is designed to satisfy passengers seeking productive space with comfort and privacy. Its ample interior cabin enhances passengers' privacy and personal conveniences through functional details around each seat. This customer centric design of PLANA’s CP-01 has won the 'IF Design Award 2023'.
PLANA anticipates CP-01 use cases will be similar to the existing helicopter market, however CP-01 will take its peculiar business area based on its unique performance.
PLANA CP-01 can provide customized passenger travel in terms of flight time, distance, and departure and arrival locations. The spacious interior provides passengers with a more comfortable and luxurious travel experience.
PLANA CP-01 enables fast, affordable transportation of inter-island and mountainous deliveries, including medicine and organs that are difficult to cover with traditional logistics systems.
PLANA CP-01 can serve the public and government sectors of air ambulance, 911 & helitanker, homeland security, and law enforcement with its key features of sufficient flight range, adequate payload, and lower noise.